We facilitate the conversion of cryptocurrencies

We facilitate the conversion of cryptocurrencies

Currency of Interest

Current exchange rates

How it works

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Choose the amount for exchange
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Enter the account number or wallet you want to send funds to
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We will need email and some other personal data for legal reasons
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Wait for the payment to arrive and enjoy your investment

About us

We would like to make the cryptos available to everyone and therefore we have decided to come up with an exchange to give our customers more choice and a greater choice of cryptocoins. We perceive cryptographic money, digital currencies and electronic money as a new network whose value rises with the number of its users. Our goal is to increase the possibility of adopting and using cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin and Altcoin).

We are trying to bring to the Czech market an opportunity to simply buy or sell e-cash without much difficulty. We want users to have better and easier use of digital currencies. The DEX GlobalPay exchange is built on your interest, so do not hesitate to tell us or to report any dissatisfaction or lack, we want to get a chance to fix it.

Contact us


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